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News Tips or Press Releases are published in a section of the paper relevant to the product, personality or event mentioned. Notices should be limited to a few paragraphs and should be accompanied by a photograph (color or black and white) to be used on a space available basis. Photos will not be returned. Click Here to submit.
Executive Promotions, New Hires or Job Changes are published in the FEATURES/BUSINESS section.  Notices should be limited to one paragraph and accompanied by a photograph (color or black and white) to be used on a space available basis. Photos will not be returned. Click Here to submit.
Engagements, Weddings, and Anniversary announcements are published in the FEATURES/FAMILY section. Details on specific costs associated with publication are provided through the submission process. 
If you would like to have photo produced for your announcement, contact to meet your photography related needs. Click Here to submit.
Births, Birthdays and Graduation announcements are published in the FEATURES/FAMILY section. Details on specific costs associated with publication are provided through the submission process. 
If you would like to have photo produced for your announcement, contact to meet your photography related needs. Click Here to submit.
Obituaries can only be submitted by funeral homes establishments and crematory businesses. If you are not a funeral home or crematory business representative, please contact the funeral home crematory business representing the deceased. We do not accept obituaries for publication from family or friends. A valid death certificate is required to submit an obit for publication.
Memorials are published in the NEWS/OBITS section. Details on specific costs associated with publication are provided through the submission process. Click Here to submit.
Letters to the Editor are published in the OPINION section. Letters of fewer than 250 words are welcome. Unfortunately, not all letters received can be published or acknowledged. Clarity, brevity and originality are particularly valued in letters to the editor. All statements of fact are checked for accuracy; letters will be edited and may be republished in all media. Letters and guest columns become the property of the Central Arkansas Press and cannot be returned. No copyrighted materials without permission or anonymous letters can be used.
Please sign your letter and include your home address and daytime telephone number for verification. Click Here to submit.
Religion Calendar submissions are published in the FEATURES/RELIGION section by 5 p.m. Monday for Friday publication. Addresses are in Little Rock unless otherwise indicated. Items must have an address and a phone number and be free to the public. Click Here to submit a news release or email the information to:
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